Friday, November 28, 2014

Argentina: BA

So, it's been 20 days I'm in Argentina now.
Time to write down somewhere what I did just not to forget every thing.
The first 10 days I was in Buenos Aires. First day: arrived at Eva's place (a couchsurfer I hosted in Paris 4 years ago) and went directly to la boca. After 30 minutes there, two guys with a gun robbed me ( I went a bit away from the touristic streets and apparently it's the worse neigbourhood to do it). They took my shitty phone, 2 books and 10 pesos :) In the evening, great bbq at Eva's place with a bunch of her friends. The next days, I went around in Buenos Aires making sure to avoid the places without anyone around. San Telmo, Puerto Madero, Palermo,... lots of different places and atmosphers. I went one day with Eva, her daughter and her Uncle outside of Buenos Aires in the country side wih lots of horses and in a nice small village. Went to couple of nice bars with Eva and some other of her friends.
One evening I went to a bar by myself and a bunch of Argentinians tagged along to my table and we spent a gat evening all together (ping pong, babyfoot and cheap beer). One of them (Paula) is a couchsurfer and offered me to stay at her place for my last days in BA. I went to Tigre one day (lots of small canals and islands. Lots of people go there for there holidays). With Paula, I went to a stand up show (hard to understand every thing in spanish), went to an ultimate freezbe tournament and on sunday went in her family (abuela, mum, sister and her husband) to have an amazin Argentinian bbq!! (Btw, beside with Eva, I "speak" all the time in spanish whih is great to improve!! But still lots to do...).
 General first impression: really welcoming people, great city, great food... a nice city to live in!
From BA, I took a 25 hours bus (last pictures are views of the pampa from the bus) to Bariloche (on the Andes).