Sunday, March 22, 2015

Colombia: Bogota

On the 13th of february I arrived in Bogota, Colombia. Gigantic Bogota! The city is really spread and I could only visit a small part of it. Because of its dimensions, moving around is not so easy and a lot of time can be lost in the transport. For this first time in Bogota, I went only in the old town district called La Candelaria. During the day (and especially on Friday), this part is really active with lots of people walkin around, lots of street vendors (juices, banana chips, peanuts, fruits, toys, ...). Beside in the very center, not many tourists are in this city. One of the reason being that lots of neighborhoods are not so safe and without much touristic interest. The first time I took the bus I ended up catching a pick pocket with his fingers in my pcket just before he could steal anything; a bit later a Colombian girl got her phone stolen from her bag but the guy got caught as well, at a bus station a drunk guy tried to start a fight with me but got bitten by a security guy, ... Basically lots of hings can happen in Bogota and you should always know if the neighboorhood you are going to is safe or not; but once you know the "rules" of the city, you can really enjoy the atmospher and visit the safe regions. It was a bit frustrating for me cause I like to discover a city by just walking around without knowin exactly where I go but still very nice things can be done or seen.
From Bogota, I went on a day trip to Zipakira to visit a cathedral builded inside a former salt rock mine. Massively impressive!
On the 16th, Laura (finally!!!) arrived so that we can continue the rest of the trip together. We flew directly to Cartagena the day she arrived.

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