Monday, January 5, 2015

Argentina: Ushuaia

Arrived in Ushuaia in the evening and followed a group of travelers from the same bus to the hostel they had booked to see if they still had rooms available. They didn't and neither did several hostels I went to after. Ushuaia is the only place in south america I went to until now where you really have to book the hostels and the buses in avance! Luckily I found a room in a hostel at the end jst before I was about to give up and go to a hotel...

December 22nd was a shitty day actually and not because I was turning 30 years old bt because nothing I was doing was working... I spent half of the day trying to get somemcash from the different ATMs of the city, I couldn't decide myself on what to do in Ushuaia because every thing is really expensive and not necessarly worth it and finaly I didn't like the city much (it's really one super touristic center and not much more. I just went for a beer in a pub at the end of the day but that's pretty much it. Ah and I had a nice sunset as well and lots of super nice messages for my birthday :) The city is really well located between the mountains, the bay, the forest,... Too bad it's too touristic.

The next day I took care again of gettig some cash, bought my bus ticket for Punta Arenas, looked a bit more on what to do (basically you can do a boat tour on some islands, go to the national park or go to Laguna escondida which is a lake with a nice color and next to which you can see castors. In the afternoon I went around the city a bit more and found some nicer places to see the city and started to like it more.

The 24th of December I went to the national park. Once again the time they give to do all the trails s completely wrong and I could do more than what I planned (and it's what saved my day actually). The park is really small and quite frustrating after Torres del Paine... But the hike to the top of cerro Guanaco gives a really nice view over Ushuaia and the surounding. The rest is nothing crazy: just a nice lake (at the end of this track you arrive at the boarder between Argentina and Chile) and a walk along a beautiful bay but quite short again. At the end of the day I met 2 guys in the park: Cristian and Benjamin ( one from Chile and the second from France) both super cool and they invited me to have Christmas dinner with them at their hostel. After a shower back in Ushuaia I joined them and we had a relly cool evening chating, eating, playing cards,...

25th I didn't do much (actually I don't remember what I did beside chatting on the net) and went to bed early cause I had to catch a bus at 5am the next day...

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