Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chile: Chiloe Island

December 30th, I arrived in Ancud after leaving Egon in Osorno. I followed an american tourist to se if there were free room at the hostel she booked and there was :) Really nice hostel and Ancud is as well a really nice village. I went to walk around the city in the evening and went to a restaurant to try the famous Curacho (a dish with meat, see food and potatoes all together). Super good but Jesus I was full at the end!!!

The next morning I went again around the city (really relaxed atmosphere), ate some fish in a super small "restaurant" and then took a bus to Castro. I found there a hostel which is actually a old couple renting their extra room... I went around Catro a bit (super nice and colorfull church and houses on pillars at the sea side) but then I felt sick and went back to the hostel. I got food poisoning (probably from the salade I took with the fish at lunch... Nt very wise of me considering the hygene of the place...) and spent my 31st in bed drinking tea with local herbs prepared by the grandma of the hostel.

Januray 1st 2015, I spent all the day at the hostel until my bus at 5pm for Cucao. The old couple from the hostel invited me for lunch (they were havin some meat dish really good!!). The grandpa was not so easy to understand because he was pronuncing 1/3 of the words most of the time!!! But it was fun and nice. After Lunch I felt much better already. In the bus I met a group of guys from Santiago with whom I spoke a bit (quite a different accent again!). The road was really nice: hills, lakes, lots of trees and very green like the rest of Chiloe. When I arrived in the tinny village, I found a hostel (same as in castro: a particular rentin one of his room) and then went to walk to the beach before coming back.

The 2nd I went walking in the park of Chiloe (it is just at the end of Cucao). I was plannin to hike all day but the park is crazy small (or at least the hikes are). It was nice, going through thick vegetation sometimes, in the dunes some other and finally to the beach. But I did everything within 2 or 3 hours... So I stayed for quite some time on the beach where I had find a nice isolated spot. On my way back to the hostel I met another french family with 3 kids which were traveling for one year around the world!! Super cool and once again giving hope to be able to travel backpacker style even with a family and several kids :) I took the bus to Chonchi where I stayed in a hostel. Had time in the evening to go around the small village (super nice as well).

January 3rd I took a bus from Chonchi to Quellon (south of Chiloe) where I want to take a boat from. The city is bigger than I expected and I didn't do much there beside waiting for the ticket office to open and go on internet in a bar. I didn't really went around the city cause I didn't like it so much and the atmospher was quite different from the rest of the Island (quite lots of drunk people wonderig around the city). I embarked on the boat at 9pm and we left at 11pm. Great sunset on the harbor! The trip is gonna be 28 hours until Purto Chacabuco from where I want to go to Coyhaique. I went to sleep a bit on the outer deck because it was too hot and too loud (stupid movie) in the passager hall for me to sleep but then came back inside.

January 4th: Spent the day on the boat cruising through Islands. It's a pity I had a bad weather and couldn't see so well but it was still beautiful. The boat was stoppig in villages really in the middle of nowhere; quite impressive to see people living there! I met a cool Spanish couple in the boat (Juan and Aitana) with whom I spent some time and played cards with.

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