Monday, December 1, 2014

Argentina: Bariloche

So, after a long bus ride, I arrived in Bariloche in the evening. I went directly to a familie's home (couchsurfers). The husband (Adrian) is reasercher in ecology, the wife (Tisha) is psycologist and the sonis 12yo. Super welcoming family and Adrian has lots of tips about what to do (and not only for Bariloche but for all patagonia and a big part of south america too).
The first day I hikked to cerro otto and all the way top piedra de habsburgo (great view on one of the lake).
The day after I hike to refugio Frey and spend the night there. There is a small lake in front of the refugio which is located in a very beautiful place. I went a bit further up in the snow but walking in the snow without equipment is super ddifficult especially if you bury yourself up to above the knee at each steps!! Met a German couple in the refugio; they told me about the places they did durin there 4 month of traveling. Next day climbed up to a view point (really nice) and then went down all the way to playa munoz where I jumped quickly in the water (freaking cold!!!).
Next day: horse riding close to cerro campano (not sure of the name). It was nice to ride a horse again (didn't do it for probably 15 years at least...) even if we didn't really go fast because some kids were in the group... I'll definitly try to do some more horse riding while in South America! In the evening great discussions with Adrian around a good bottle of Argentinian wine :)
Next day I rented a bike to go around the regional park. It's a circuit that goes through the hotel llao llao and which has a couple of very nice views. On the way I passed by colonia suiza which is a village with a swiss atmospher. I did the begining with a german girl traveling on her own in South America.
Next day was rainy so I took a bit of time to organize my trip a bit further. I left he couchsurfing family and went to a hostel with an incredible view on the lake and mountains (panthouse 1004 if anyone wants to go).
Last day I did a boat excursion to Puerto Blez from which I walked to lago Fria (amazing water color) and then to another lake which I don't remember the name. This last one was my favourite! I then took a bus to El Bolson.

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