Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Argentina: Puerto Madryn

I arrived the next day at 7am and went to a hostel a guy in El Bolson told me about. There I met a french couple (Pierre and Charlotte) to rent a car with the next 2 daysto go to peninsula valdez and isla escondida and punta tumbo. They told me about a beach (playa dorillo I think) reachable by bike from were it was possible to see whales to which they were planing to go after breakfast. I went there after them and met them at the beach after one hour of biking in a dirt road quite borin and exausting. We saw some whales but quite far away... We hanged location and then saw the whales much closer! It was realy impressive to see them. We stayed there 2 or 3 hours and headed back to the hostel. The next day we met another french couple (Ronan and Tamara) looking to rent a car so at the end we were 5 in the car. We went to puerto piramide were Pierre, Charlotte and I took a boat tour to go see the whales up close. It was a bit expensive but totaly worth it! We saw a femal whale with her baby and they came playing around the boat. The baby came at less than one meter and even went just bellow the boat. It was realy impressive to see those huge animals from so close!! After we went to a place to see pinguins and another place to see sea lions. For both, we had a certain distance with the animals (except a couple of pinguins which came really close. Realy cool as well. We came back wih a great sunset on the pampa. We saw as well during the day some sort of lamas, some sort of austrich, some sort of tatoos and other stuff...

The next day we went still with the car to punta tumbo where there is a huge colony of pinguins. There was a delimited path going through the colony and we could see tones of hem, their nest, the new borns,... And they were actually crossing on the path as well so we were sometimes at less than 1 meter from them. There we met a french couple with 3 kids (3, 6 and 9 yo) who were traveling for one year through south america and asia using buses and hostels; it gave me hope to still be able to travel once I'll have kids :) All of them were realy cool and we spent the rest of the day together. We all went to Isla Escondida (which is not an island but a beach) then where it is possible to walk amng the sea lions and sea elephants (not sure about the english name). For me it was the best part of the day. It was amazing to be so lose to those massive things!! We even could carress some... In the evening we went to a local "restaurant" to have some good meat.

The next day (3rd of december) nothing special; we gave the car back and then I waited for my bus to El chalten. Very cool 3 days with everyone but I feel like it's been a while I didn't speak much spanish so it's good that I go again by myself so that I meet more spanish speakers. But I'm sure I'll meet again some of them as we are all heading south with only few days of interval...

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