Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Argentina: El Bolson

I arrived in El Bolson after 10:30pm without an idea of where to sleep. Once there, I asked to some people in the street and found a hostel. Didn't do much for the rest of the evening, just talked a bit with 2 french.

The next day, I went for a 2 days hike. Left El Bolson at 10am; after walking along the rio azul for quite a bit (the color of the water is realy incredible and I wanted to just jump in it all the time!) I went in direction of refugio hielo azul (realy steep part of th hike and quite exausting!) through different types of woods and some great views on the mountains every once in a while. Once I arrived to refuio azul they told me there was too much snow to actually go all the way to the glacier (it was the reason I went to this place but I knew the chances were high not to be able to reach it...) so instead I contined a bit more to refugio natacion. H, one thing I didn't say is that El Bolson is a realy hippie town. The atmospher is realy different from Bariloche for exemple. And the people I met at the refugio natacion were realy realy relax. There were 2 guys working for the refugio and 3 women from El Bolson who just came here for a couple of days in the mountain. I went a bit higher to have a nice view on the mountains then went back to the refugio where I went on the lake in front with a kayak (too cold to swim...) and then spent some time drinking matte with every one. At night we went outside and did a fire where we spent a couple of hours Drinki their home made beer. They were all quite young (less than 35) and it was a bit difficult to understand them because they used lots of slang words and as well I was quite tired from the hike (25km in the day). The sentance of the night was "buena onda" which translates in "good vibes" I guess. I should have counted how many times they said it!!

The next day I went to a spot above the refugio that one of the guy indicated to me and had the most impressive view on the mountains in front. I then went down in direction of refugio cajon azul were there is a big canyon with the rio azul in it; realy beautiful!! I went to swim a couple of ties in it even if it was quite cold!! Then I continued all the way to watson where I hitch hikked with a grandma and her 2 grandsons (drank matte with them again) all the way to El Bolson. During those 2 days I met almost no one n the hikes (it's a bit early in the season). I spent the evening with a group of 6 argentinians in the hostel, playing cards and drinkig local beer until 1am; realy nice.

The next day was rainy so I stayed i the hostel, started my blog and tried to decide if I should go or not to Puerto Madryn. 

The following day I did a hike on cerro pitri (the mountain just above El Bolson). Almost at the to, there is a place called bosque tallado where scultors came to sculpt dead trees. It's quite fun to see this in the middle of nowhere. Then I continued up to arrive in between two peaks with a great view on both sides of the mountain. Once again, almost no one on the hike. I came back to take a shower at the hostel and left in the evening by bus to Puerto Madryn.

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